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apartment hotel 〔美國〕公寓飯店。

apartment house

The companies in high - tech industries based on the needs of customers , its business and provide a full range of high - tech talent cooperation services , undertaking large - scale convention and exhibition organizations planning , customer reception services , logistics support staff , national and international travel agents and hotels , airline ticket reservation services business at the same time , in - house apartment hotel , high - grade dining restaurants , business conference centre , staff clubs , and other entities to provide management and operating services 本公司立足于高科技行業客戶需求,為其提供全方位的商務及高科技人才合作服務;承辦大型會議展覽組織策劃、客戶接待服務、員工后勤保障、國內國際旅游代理及酒店、機票預定等業務;同時,為企業內部的公寓式酒店、高檔餐飲酒樓、商務會議中心、員工會所等實體提供管理及經營服務。

Sariz international hotel , managed by sariz hotel management ltd , is the first apartment hotel equipped lenovo s computer in all rooms in zhongguancun areas . there are more than 200 spacious rooms with all kinds of facilities in sariz international hotel . no matter for business or travel , sariz international hotel will always be your wise choice 薩爾利茲國際酒店由薩爾利茲酒店管理有限公司管理,是中關村地區首家全部客房配有聯想電腦的公寓式酒店,擁有各類客房200余間套,客房內各種設施一應俱全,無論是商務還是旅游,薩爾利茲國際酒店都是您明智的選擇。

Beijing somerset apartment hotel is according to the standard three star construction hotel apartment east , is situated at south three links the road , with the beijing capital library , the beijing auspicious hot spring hotel and so on is near , adjoins the pan homeland antique market and the village economic development zone , the transportation is also convenient 北京香榭舍酒店公寓是一家按照四星級標準建造的酒店公寓,地處東三環南路,與北京首都圖書館京瑞溫泉酒店等相臨,毗鄰潘家園古玩市場及亦莊經濟開發區,交通便利。

The beijing golden valley apartment hotel is managed by canada realpoint hotel management co . , ltd , it is located at the heart of the zhong - guan - cun and between n . 3rd ring rd and n . 4th ring rd in northwest , next to the zhi - chun - lu station of the subway line 13 , and it is only 30 minutes to the capital airport 北京紫金數碼酒店公寓是由加拿大瑞銀特物業管理(北京)公司負責提供服務管理,它位于北京市海淀區中心區域,西北三、四環路之間,緊鄰城市鐵路知春路站,驅車30分鐘可達首都機場。

Jia lai hotel is a business and holiday apartment hotel set up by the five - star standard . the total area is about 13 thousand square meter with 21 floors height . it is a melti - functional hotel with one body of beverage , accomodation , leisure , fitness and business 酒店總建筑面積1萬3千平方米,樓高21層,整體結構俊朗挺拔氣勢恢弘,以突出家居休閑為主,把休閑和簡約的風格巧妙的結合起來,是一家集餐飲住宿休閑健身商務為一體,具有功能多元獨特優勢的酒店。

Nanhai oil zhuhai hotel is a unique apartment hotel for a business travel or family vacation in zhuhai city . the hotel is by the mountainside with gardenesque environment of 78 , 000 square meters in area 南油大酒店是珠海市唯一提供商務旅游家庭度假的全公寓式酒店,整個酒店依山而建,獨攬萬平方米的花園式環境。

Spacious bright , unique novelty , with the new era style apartment hotel characteristics , unique indoor double balcony , the sun 100 courtyard beautiful scenery , moment can be tabled to your eyes 寬敞明亮、獨特新穎,擁有新時代公寓酒店的特色風格,別具一格的室內雙陽臺,陽光100的庭院美景,時刻都能覽入您的眼中。

The golden valley apartment hotel is the only apartment hotel in the zhong - guan - cun region , and it is the satisfied accommodation for experts , scholars andit elites 它是中關村地區唯一的酒店式公寓,是專家、學者、 it精英們的理想住宿場所。

The hotel : the serviced apartment hotel is comprised of 166 two - bedroom apartments on floors 5 - 21 of tower c 酒店部分:由c座的位于5至21層的166套高級公寓組成。

Beijing somerset apartment hotel : hotels in beijing , beijing accommodation rooms , china discount reservation 北京香榭舍酒店公寓:北京酒店預訂北京賓館預訂

Somerset apartment hotel : beijing hotels - china hotel beijing hotel reservation 北京香榭舍酒店公寓:北京飯店-中國飯店北京飯店訂房網

Saibao apartment hotel 賽寶公寓酒店

Beijing hwa apartment hotel 北京華威商務全套房酒店

Scitech hotel somerset apartment hotel 北京中國大飯店

Apartment superior single room saibao apartment hotel reservation 公寓高級單人房,賽寶公寓酒店預訂

Apartment superior twin room saibao apartment hotel reservation 公寓高級雙人房,賽寶公寓酒店預訂

Business suite beijing somerset apartment hotel reservation 商務套房,北京香榭舍酒店公寓預訂

Standard suite beijing somerset apartment hotel reservation 標準套房,北京香榭舍酒店公寓預訂

Business suite beijing hwa apartment hotel reservation 商務套房,北京華威商務全套房酒店預訂